Tuesday, October 5, 2010



Paul  Neave is an Interaction Designer, he designs interactive tools and toys for  websites, games, and mobile applications. With years of experience this website is he product of his creativity, sampling the many interactive elements he can add to websites. The site’s layout is made up of sections, in each section is a different interactive “game”.
The first section is named Games, which opens up to a screen with all the iconic video games from the early years. Asteroids, Tetris, Pac man, Frogger, and a few others all remade in flash.  It took me a few tried to figure out how to open up one of the games, when I clicked on the Tetris picture instead of sending me to the game it sent me to a page about the game, with a link to the flash game in the top corner. Compared to the rest of the site this is the least direct of all the pages.
Next  is the Television section, this isn’t what I was expecting when I first clicked on it. The background becomes  all fuzzy like I turned the TV on without the cable box connected. Across the screen are directions had to use this page, pretty much just click to see what happens next. Its very simple, all the page does is plays random clicks taken off the internet. Its like watching flipping through the channels and only seeing a little piece of a show, except this show even in context is strange and hard to explain. Most of the clicks are really funny or extremely creative or down right weird.  As simple of an interactive “game” this is, its a lot of fun because you never know whats going to pop up next
Bounce is fun using your microphone and mouse. If you yell into your computer you will cause the balls within the screen to move around.  Light does the same thing but with a growing light that changes color and size at the music get louder.  Fractal is based on math which is a geometric patter that repeats forever. Webcam takes a 10 second video of you under a filter of your choosing, many of these filters I wish came with my webcam, like ghost which leaves an after image every time you move.

Anaglyph is a drawing section which makes any line drawn 3D as long as you have a pare of red and blue glasses on hand. Imagination is similar but the lines are turned in to light and doesn’t stay on the screen for very long. 
Flash Earth and Planetarium are to sections which allow you to see sights from different parts of the world. Planetarium is in the same it is a virtual planetarium which can show you the stars in anyplace in the world. While Flash Earth is much like Google earth working as a virtual globe. 

Strobe has to be the most fun when it comes to the games on this site because it’s the most interactive. If you stare into the moving pattern long enough you really do start to see things, the whole room looks like its underwater and I can see the currents moving through the air. No, I didn’t take anything to see this vision, it works the same way that optical illusions work. Since the pattern is moving and my eye adjust to the moving line when I look away my eye want to see those lines till moving so the object in front of me appear as the lines did.
For the exception of the Games section all of the different parts of the site had a consistent design.  Directions and click to enter, this prepared you for the section and didn’t leave you confused on what to do. The design was clean and easy to use which is all that one really wants from a website. 

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